A Masterclass in Building Resilience and Wellbeing For Teachers

Teachers and administrators face increasing levels of stress, anxiety, and uncertainty.  This is expected to result in several issues for the profession, including higher rates of teachers leaving the profession, greater numbers of retirements, and challenges in finding staff to address the complex issues children and families are facing.  Recent statistics show:


·         In 2018 study by Career Development International, 85% of teachers reported a work-life imbalance, with pressure to do more with less in their classrooms as a key factor.


·         In an online survey from the Collaborative for Social Emotional Intelligence and Academic Learning, teachers reported the feelings associated with teaching during a time of pandemic as anxious, fearful, worked, overwhelmed and sad. These included feelings about their personal lives (family and friends) as well as their professional lives.


·         In 2015, 1 million teachers across the US will left the profession for another job, and another 1.8 million left teaching and remained unemployed.


·         The Department of Education reports that 15% of teacher leave the profession in any given year, and 41% of new teachers leave education within five years.


·         Teachers are most likely to leave the profession at ages 25 to 34, with the next highest group teachers in the 35-44 age range.


·         In a May 2020 USA Today poll, one in five teachers over the age of 55 indicated they would not be returning to the profession in the upcoming school year.


·         80% of teachers in the same poll indicated they are struggling with stress, anxiety, and feeling good about their job.


·         In a 2020 study by the University of Missouri, 94% of teachers reported high levels of stress due to changes from COVID-19. The same study reports high levels of stress can contribute to negative outcomes for students.

Combining Online Live Professional Training and Personalized, Confidential Coaching in a Cost-Effective Package

Blackboard, apple, books and globe in a classroom

Training Program Objectives

Identify personalized resilience factors through the Hardiness Resilience Gauge Assessment
Understand and utilize the individual hardiness and resilience profile characteristics effectively
Understand personal and profession stress factors and triggers
Recognize the impact of stress on health and wellbeing
Recognize the mental and physical signs of stress and overwhelm
Develop a healthy work/life balance
Learn how to implement healthy lifestyle components for personal and professional wellbeing
Move from stress to resilience through mindfulness excercise
Use mindfulness and healthy habits with students in the classroom